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Главная / Товарные знаки / Алкогольная продукция / «MOSKOVSKAYA OSOBAYA» Vodka


«MOSKOVSKAYA Osobaya» is the oldest vodka brand in the spirits market. Being the first patented by the Russian Tsar’s government, «MOSKOVSKAYA» rapidly acquired worldwide recognition.

This pioneer brand ignited state-run production of vodka on an industrial scale in Russia.

Mass vodka production of «MOSKOVSKAYA» gathered pace in the late 40s – early 50s of XXth century, in some years almost reaching 150 mln. decalitres in the late 60ies, thus achieving market share of more than 60% of vodka market in the USSR. 

«MOSKOVSKAYA» is among the Top 100 bestselling vodkas worldwide. 

Average annual «MOSKOVSKAYA» sales in Russia and beyond exceed

1 mln. decalitres.

Combination of high-quality ingredients, unique recipe, impeccable purification technology eliminating harmful infusions, as well as multi-stage filtration impart excellent soft taste and delicate flavor to «MOSKOVSKAYA» vodka.

Annual participation in international fairs and special exhibitions worldwide, supported by strong advertising campaigns, was among the factors of the success of «MOSKOVSKAYA» brand in western markets.


  • 1954 - Gold Medal of International Exhibition in Bern;
  • 1958 - Gold Medal of International Exhibition in Brussels;
  • 1969 - Gold Medal of International Exhibition in Pardubice;
  • 1977 – Grand-Prix of International Exhibition in Zagreb;
  • 2008 - Silver Medal of International Degustation Competition «Best vodka of the Year».


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