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Главная / Press-center / Пресс-релизы / Federal Treasury Enterprise "Sojuzplodoimport" on the decision of the Hague Court of Appeal as of June 28, 2022

Federal Treasury Enterprise "Sojuzplodoimport" on the decision of the Hague Court of Appeal as of June 28, 2022


The Hague Court of Appeal on June 28, 2022 has attached the trademarks of the Federal Treasury Enterprise "Sojuzplodoimport" in the territory of the Benelux countries, reversing the judgment of the court of first instance as of October 27, 2020.

In passing the judgment, the court proceeded from the fact that the owner of the trademarks is the Russian Federation, however without appraising the rights of the Federal Treasury Enterprise "Sojuzplodoimport" to the trademarks.

The Federal Treasury Enterprise "Sojuzplodoimport" presumes that the current geopolitical situation had a serious impact on the court's decision.

It cannot be ruled out as well that the reason for such a decision could be a complicated for foreign specialists to understand co-relation of the Enterprise's rights to property and to trademarks (with respect to property, the Enterprise is the operational manager, while with respect to trademarks – the right holder, which is similar to ownership).

The Enterprise intends to take necessary measures to preserve the trademarks.

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